nutrition therapy

Commit to a new level of wellness

Let's shift you out of the

diet mentality

and restore your ability to

eat intuitively

Does this sound familiar?

If any of the above resonate, you’re in the right spot!

i want you to take a moment and imagine...

  • being so in tune with your body's needs that you feel good before AND after eating
  • enjoying a meal and actually being able to experience the moment instead of being in your head about what you ate earlier that day and what you should "allow" yourself to eat now
  • moving on with your day after eating instead of worrying whether that food is going to show up on the scale
  • improving your PCOS or IBS without having to cut out a bunch of foods

Together let's...


your history with food and your body

Tune In

to your body's unique cues


the way you approach food


which elements of nutrition are helpful for you

what if...

you could trust your body and feel good about the way you eat without worrying about your weight all the time??

So... how do you get started?


Schedule a call

Your first step is to schedule a free 20 minute call with me so we can make sure this is the best next step in your health journey.


Select a package

If we're a good fit, the next step is to decide which nutrition therapy package best meets your needs. More information below.


Find Food Peace

Through one-on-one sessions and a whole host of resources, I'll be there to guide you as you discover the joy of eating.

the details

75-Minute Initial Consultation and 45-minute Follow-ups

Our first session gives us ample time to discuss your goals and explore your relationship with food and body image throughout your life, including your diet history, current eating behaviors, and any health issues you are managing.
The number of follow-ups you'll have depends on which package you choose: 3 months, 6 months, or intensive.

Package Options

Online Course Access: Your First 30 Days of Intuitive Eating

We'll spread the content of the course over the time we have to work together. Watching the modules will help us save session time for discussion and individualized application rather than education. You'll also receive a 20% off promo code to share with a friend or family member who is supporting you on your journey or who may be interested in learning more about intuitive eating for themselves. If you have already purchased the course, we'll decide together on an intuitive eating book to be mailed to your house.

Intuitive Eating Online Course

Written Recommendations

After each session, I'll send you notes listing what we discussed as well as action steps for you to work on until the next session.

Amy's guidance has truly changed my life. My relationship with food has improved for the better and I'm learning to appreciate my body for how it is.
Previous Client

Hunger+Fullness Journaling and/or Food+Mood+Symptom Journaling and Feedback

This isn't the kind of food tracking you're used to. Instead of checking to see if you're "doing it right," I'll be helping you identify your unique hunger patterns. If you are also experiencing digestive issues, I may ask you to track your symptoms to see if we can find any correlations. You'll have access to an online journal template that I can view as well.

Please note: Some people find anything akin to food tracking to be triggering, so if this is the case for you we will discuss other action steps you can take to help you tune in to your body.

Comprehensive Medication and Supplement Review

If needed, we will review your current supplements and medications to ensure optimal timing and identify if there are any additional supplements you may benefit from. You receive a 35% discount off all supplements found in my online dispensary. I do not receive a commission if you purchase through my dispensary and always encourage clients to price check elsewhere.

Multimedia Tools, Worksheets, and Downloads

You will gain access to my Online Resource Library containing multiple handouts, worksheets, and links to valuable resources about intuitive eating, PCOS, and gut health. I will also send you various specific resources to help you implement what we discuss in sessions.

PCOS Clients Only: Online access to mini-course PCOS Basics

As an added benefit to my PCOS clients, I have collected some of the top resources for managing PCOS with intuitive eating. I categorized the links to these resources into the course modules and added some of the core information I share with my PCOS clients.

Amy’s guidance has truly changed my life. My relationship with food has improved for the better, and I’m learning to appreciate my body for how it is. My digestive issues are getting better too.

Past Client

I can't say enough good things about the support and insights Amy offers. She introduced me to intuitive eating, which has genuinely changed my life; I really do live each day differently because of it. I feel so much healthier and freer than I did before working with Amy. Her skills and kindness have transformed my journey.

Past Client

I feel like a different person. It is amazing to be able to eat what I want when I am hungry, to know when I have reached my fullness level and not feeling the need to keep eating past that fullness level is so satisfying. To see food as something to enjoy, and to appreciate as opposed to using food as a crutch for any emotions has given me a new life.

Past Client                  

I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Amy!

Past Client

this can be your story, too

Let's chat

What to Expect

Exploration of your history with food, weight, and your body

Experimentation with your attunement and response to body cues

Discussion of evidence-based nutrition therapy recommendations for health diagnoses and concerns you'd like to address

Treatment with dignity and respect

Psychological support and encouragement

What not to Expect

Weight loss counseling

Calorie limit recommendations

Using intuitive eating to pursue weight loss


Use of BMI as a health indicator

not ready to get started?

Drop your email to receive helpful resources and information as you decide what step to take next!

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