
Adjustable pricing for your different needs


Course Only

Your First 30 Days of Intuitive Eating
  • 33+ bite-sized modules to guide you step-by-step into intuitive eating
  • 15+ worksheets making it simple to apply what you’re learning in your daily life
  • Lifetime Access to content and all updates!
Does Not Include
  • Membership in the IEat Club

Membership Only

The IEat Club
per month
  • Monthly Intuitive Eating Workshops (expert guest speakers likely to appear!)
  • Monthly Office Hours (log on to ask questions or submit in advance)
  • All sessions recorded in case you can’t attend live
  • Admission to private community of folks with similar goals and struggles
  • Ability to remain anonymous if desired
  • Access to all content while membership maintained, including past recorded sessions!
  • Cancel at any time
Does Not Include
  • The course Your First 30 Days of Intuitive Eating

Course + Membership

Join yearly for free course access!
charged yearly
  • Become a yearly member to get one month free each year AND you get the course for free!
  • Includes the online course Your First 30 Days of Intuitive Eating AND…
  • Includes Membership in the IEat Club
Non-diet Nutrition Therapy

How it works

We work with clients for a minimum of 3 months and provide a high level of support. This gives us time to…


what is holding you back from a peaceful relationship with food

Tune In

to your body’s unique cues


the way you approach food


which elements of nutrition are helpful for you

Does this sound familiar?

You’re frustrated

You’ve tried every diet in the book…Whole30, Weight Watchers, Paleo, Keto, Intermittent fasting…you name it! But your weight won’t budge. Or you initially lose and then it all comes back and more. You feel like there’s GOT to be a different way to approach food besides dieting and focusing on weight.

You’re confused

Why is it that it seems like some people can eat whatever they want without gaining a pound? You’ve wondered if something about your body is broken.

You’re feeling ashamed

Your doctor has told you to lose weight and at every appointment you dread stepping on that scale. You’ve considered skipping check-ups.

You’re just not feeling well

You’ve tried to eat as healthy as possible, maybe even cut out gluten or dairy…but your stomach just won’t cooperate. You’re not sure if it’s because you just ate too much or if you’re actually reacting to something. Should you do some kind of food testing?

And maybe…you’re feeling overwhelmed

You’ve been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and it seems the only solution anyone will give you is to 1) lose weight (as if it’s that simple?!) and 2) take birth control. But there’s so much more information you’ve found on Google…what should you believe?

If you answered YES to any of the above, you’re in the right spot!